How Many Calories in White Wine? – Discovering the Truth

How Many Calories in White Wine?

Are you curious about the calorie content of white wine? We all know that too much alcohol can be detrimental to our health, but some wines have fewer calories than others. It’s important to understand which types of white wines are the lowest in calories so that we can make healthy choices while still enjoying a glass or two of our favorite refreshments.

How Many Calories in White Wine

In this blog post, we will explore how many calories in white wine and provide suggestions for choosing a lower-calorie option without sacrificing taste. Read on for all you need to know about counting your intake when it comes to sipping on some whites!

How Many Calories in White Wine?

The calorie count of white wine can vary depending on various factors including the brand, region, grape variety, and alcohol content. On average, a standard 5-ounce glass of white wine contains approximately 120 calories. That means white wine contains 40 calories per ounce.

We can deduce the following numbers:

  • 1 ml: 1.35 calories;
  • 750ml: 609.6 calories (a standard bottle)

It is important to note that the calorie count in a white wine comes from the alcohol and sugar content. Therefore, sweeter wines tend to have higher calorie counts than drier ones. Additionally, higher alcohol-content wines tend to have more calories than lower alcohol-content ones.

While consuming white wine in moderation can be a great way to unwind and complement a meal, it is important to keep in mind the calorie count to maintain a healthy diet. Be sure to factor in the calories from white wine when counting your daily intake of calories.

Varieties of White Wines and Their Kcals

Above, we covered the numbers for the question “How many calories are in white wine”. So, in this section, let’s go into each specific wine for more details.

Varieties of White Wines and Their Kcals

1. Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is a popular white wine known for its light and fruity flavor. A glass of Sauvignon Blanc contains around 121 calories, which is considered a low-calorie content compared to other white wines. This wine pairs well with seafood, vegetables, and light salads, making it a perfect choice for a summer evening party.

2. Chardonnay

Chardonnay is another favorite white wine that comes in various styles, from buttery and oaky to light and crisp. A glass of Chardonnay typically contains 123 calories, but the calorie content may vary depending on the region and winemaking process. This wine pairs well with creamy pasta dishes, grilled chicken, and seafood.

3. Pinot Grigio

Pinot Grigio is a refreshing white wine that is perfect for sipping on a hot summer day. A glass of Pinot Grigio contains around 123 calories, depending on the brand and region. This wine pairs well with light pasta dishes, salads, and grilled vegetables.

4. Riesling

Riesling is a sweet white wine that is popular among wine lovers who prefer a fruity and floral taste. A glass of Riesling contains around 120 calories, but the calorie content may vary depending on the sweetness level. This wine pairs well with spicy or sweet dishes, especially in Asian cuisine.

5. Moscato

Moscato is a sweet and bubbly white wine that is perfect for desserts or after-dinner drinks. A glass of Moscato typically contains around 123 calories, which is lower than other sweet wines. This wine pairs well with chocolate desserts, fresh fruits, and cheese plates.

White wine comes in all shapes and sizes, and its calorie content may vary based on the winemaking process, region, and style. Although some white wines have a higher calorie content than others, they can still be enjoyed in moderation as part of a healthy lifestyle. When choosing a white wine, it’s essential to consider your taste preferences, food pairing options, and calorie intake goals.

Factors That Affect the Calorie Count in White Wine

It is essential to note that the calorie count in a glass of white wine is not fixed, as it is affected by various factors. Now, we will discuss these factors, to help you make an informed decision when choosing a glass of white wine.

1. Sugar Content

The sugar content is the most significant factor determining the calorie count in a glass of white wine. Wines have a natural sugar content, but the fermentation process reduces this sugar content. However, some wines have additional sugar added to them, either naturally or through additives. This extra sugar increases the calorie content in the wine.

2. Alcohol Content

A glass of white wine with a higher alcohol content will have more calories. This is because alcohol has more than twice the calories per gram of carbohydrates or protein. For instance, a glass of white wine with 15% alcohol by volume will have more calories than a glass with 10% alcohol volume, even if they have the same sugar content.

3. Serving Size

The size of your wine glass determines the number of calories you consume with every gulp. A standard glass of wine is 5 fluid ounces, and it contains approximately 120 calories. However, a large wine glass, which holds 9-10 fluid ounces, can have over 200 calories. When choosing a glass of white wine, ensure that you stick to the standard serving size to keep your calorie intake in check.

Factors that Affect the Calorie Count in White Wine

4. Wine Age

Wine ages in oak barrels, and this aging process adds flavor and complexity to the wine. However, this process also adds calories to your glass of white wine. An aged white wine can contain more calories than a newly produced wine of the same variant. The calorie content can also change with time; therefore, it is crucial to check the vintage to estimate the calorie count.

Factors such as sugar content, alcohol content, serving size, and wine age all affect the calorie count in a glass of white wine. When choosing a glass of white wine, it is essential to put all these factors into consideration. Choosing a wine with lower sugar and alcohol content and sticking to a single serving size are great ways to ensure you do not exceed your calorie intake. While wine is a great drink for a good time, it is always wise to consume it in moderation.

How to Make Low-Calorie White Wine Drinks That Are Delicious and Refreshing

Drinking a glass of wine is a great way to relax and unwind after a long day, but for those who are watching their calorie intake, this can be a bit challenging. Fortunately, you don’t have to completely give up white wine when you’re following a low-calorie diet. With a few simple tricks, you can make delicious and refreshing low-calorie white wine drinks that are perfect for any occasion.

1. Choose a Dry White Wine

When it comes to making low-calorie white wine drinks, the type of wine you choose can make a big difference. If you’re aiming for a low-calorie drink, your best bet is to go for a dry white wine. These wines contain less residual sugar, which means they have fewer calories. Some popular dry white wine varieties include Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, and Chardonnay. Choose a dry white wine that you enjoy and is easily available to you.

2. Add Seltzer Water

Another way to reduce the calorie count of your white wine is to mix it with seltzer water. This will not only add some fizz to your drink but will also make it much lower in calories. Simply mix equal parts white wine and seltzer water, and you’ll have a refreshing and low-calorie cocktail that you can enjoy all year round.

3. Use Fresh Fruits

Fresh fruits are a great way to add some flavor to your low-calorie white wine drinks. Not only do they add natural sweetness, but they also contain essential vitamins and minerals that are good for your health. Some fruits that go well with white wine include strawberries, peaches, and raspberries. You can either add slices of fruit to your drink or muddle the fruit at the bottom of your glass before pouring in the wine.

4. Make a Wine Spritzer

One of the easiest ways to make a low-calorie white wine drink is to mix it with soda water. This is also known as a wine spritzer. Simply mix one part white wine with two parts soda water, and you’ll have a drink that’s light, refreshing, and low in calories. You can also add some freshly squeezed lemon juice or a splash of fruit juice to add some extra flavor to your spritzer.

You don’t have to sacrifice your favorite white wine when you’re following a low-calorie diet. By using the tips and recipes we’ve shared in this article, you can make delicious and refreshing low-calorie white wine drinks that are perfect for any occasion.

Tips for Choosing Healthy Options When Enjoying a Glass of White Wine

It is important to choose wisely when it comes to wine consumption, as some options may be healthier than others. In this section, we will be discussing tips for choosing healthy options when enjoying a glass of white wine. Whether you are a wine enthusiast or just looking to make healthy choices, this post is for you!

1. Choose Organic Wine

Organic wine is produced without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals that can contribute to various health problems. When choosing a bottle of white wine, look for the “organic” label on the bottle. It is also important to note that organic wine may be more expensive than conventional wine, but it is worth the investment for your health.

2. Look for Low-Sugar Wines

Sugar is a major contributor to health problems such as obesity and diabetes. The good news is that there are many low-sugar wines available on the market. These wines are made with minimal added sugar and can be identified by labels such as “dry,” “brut,” or “extra brut.” Choosing low-sugar wines will not only benefit your health but also your waistline.

3. Opt for Lighter Wines

Wines with lower alcohol content are generally healthier than those with higher alcohol content. Lighter wines typically have an alcohol content of 12% or less, while heavier wines can have up to 15% alcohol content. When choosing a white wine, opt for lighter options such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. These wines are lighter in both color and flavor and are perfect for pairing with lighter meals.

4. Choose Wines Made from Indigenous Grapes

Wines made from indigenous grapes are grown locally and are often more natural and less processed than wines made from non-indigenous grapes. These wines are also less likely to contain harmful chemicals and preservatives. Whether you are looking for sparkling wine or still white wine, choose options made from grapes that are native to the region where they are produced.

5. Moderation is Key

No matter how healthy the wine you choose, moderation is still key. It is recommended that women consume no more than one glass of wine per day, and men no more than two glasses per day. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can increase the risk of health problems such as liver disease, heart disease, and certain types of cancer.

Choosing a healthy white wine option can be simple with these five tips. Whether you prefer a light, fruity Sauvignon Blanc or a crisp Pinot Grigio, there are many healthy options available on the market. Remember to choose organic, low-sugar, and lighter wines made from indigenous grapes. And always remember to drink in moderation for optimal health benefits.

Is White Wine a Suitable Drink Choice When I’m on a Diet?

The word “diet” often implies giving up some of your favorite indulgences. For many people, a glass of wine is an enjoyable way to unwind and relax after a long day. But what if you’re on a diet? Can you still enjoy a glass of your favorite white wine while watching your waistline?

The short answer to this question is yes. You can enjoy a white one while on a diet. However, it’s essential to understand that alcohol is high in calories. A five-ounce serving of white wine contains around 120 calories. Calories in wine can add up quickly, especially if you’re enjoying more than one glass per sitting.

That being said, drinking wine in moderation can still be a part of a healthy diet if done correctly. Instead of cutting out wine altogether, consider moderating your consumption. Limit yourself to one glass per sitting instead of drinking through the whole bottle.

When considering the best white wine options, some are better than others when it comes to counting calories. Choose a wine with a lower alcohol content, which typically contains fewer calories. A Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio are lighter options.

Another way to enjoy white wine while on a diet is to use it to replace higher-calorie alcoholic beverages. Rather than opting for sugary cocktails, consider a glass of wine. Wine is a far better option than beer or high-calorie cocktails and will leave you feeling much healthier and better about your drinking choices.

It’s worth noting that while wine in moderation can be a part of a healthy diet, it’s crucial to focus on other aspects of your nutrition. Eating a balanced diet, staying active, and drinking plenty of water should be top priorities while working towards your weight loss goals.

Drinking white wine while on a diet is possible, but it requires moderation and a strategic approach. Choosing a lower-calorie white wine with a lower percentage of alcohol is key. Additionally, it’s essential to limit the amount of wine you’re drinking to one glass per sitting, and using white wine as a replacement for other high-calorie drinks can be great for your diet. Remember, balance is the key to a healthy life. Drink your white wine in moderation, and always focus on your overall health and nutrition!

How Many Calories Are in Your Favorite Drinks?

When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, many people focus solely on food and forget about the calories that come from the drinks they consume. However, it’s important to remember that drinks can also contribute a significant number of calories to your daily intake. So, whether it’s your morning cup of coffee or your refreshing summer cocktail, let’s take a closer look at how many calories are hiding in different kinds of drinks.

1. Coffee and Tea

A morning cup of coffee or tea can be a great way to start your day. However, that seemingly innocent beverage could be contributing up to 190 calories if you’re ordering a latte 16 oz. Opt for a plain espresso or a cup of black tea with a splash of milk and a dash of honey for a healthier option.

2. Soft Drinks

Sodas and other soft drinks are notorious for their high sugar content, which can contribute to weight gain and other health problems. A single can of soda can contain more than 150 calories, and if you’re drinking them regularly, those calories can quickly add up. Switching to sugar-free alternatives or just plain water is a much better choice for your health and your waistline.

3. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages can be a major source of calories, with some cocktails containing over 150 calories per serving. Beer and wine are also high in calories, with a standard 12-ounce beer containing around 147 calories, and a 5-ounce glass of wine containing around 125 calories. If you’re counting calories, it’s best to avoid alcohol altogether or limit your intake to one or two drinks per week.

4. Juices and Smoothies

Juices and smoothies are often marketed as healthy options, but they can be quite high in calories and sugar. A single serving of fruit juice can contain as many calories as a can of soda, while a smoothie made with fruit, yogurt, and other ingredients can contain several hundred calories per serving. If you’re looking for a healthier option, opt for whole fruits and vegetables, or try making your juice or smoothie at home with low-calorie ingredients.

5. Milk and Dairy Drinks

Milk-based drinks like milkshakes and hot chocolate can be delicious, but they’re also high in calories and sugar. A typical milkshake can contain over 350 calories, while a hot chocolate made with whole milk and whipped cream can contain more than 400 calories. Opt for low-fat or skim milk options to cut back on calories and sugar.

It’s important to be mindful of the calories in your drinks if you’re trying to maintain a healthy diet. From coffee to cocktails, many common drinks can contain more calories than you might expect. Making small changes like choosing low-calorie alternatives or drinking more water can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being.



How many calories are in a glass of white wine?

White wine typically contains 120 calories per 5-ounce glass. Depending on the type of white wine, the calorie count can vary. Drier wines such as Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio tend to contain fewer calories than sweeter wines such as Moscato or Riesling.

Generally speaking, the higher alcohol content is associated with higher caloric values, with many light-bodied wines containing about 110 calories per 5-ounce glass. Sparkling wines, such as Prosecco, offer some of the lowest calorie counts at just 80 calories per 5 ounces. However, if you are looking for a low-calorie option, opt for Skinnygirl wines which have less than 90 calories in a full serving.

How many calories are in a glass of white wine 250ml?

A glass of white wine 250ml contains approximately 200 calories, depending on the type of wine and its alcohol content. Generally speaking, white wines tend to be lower in calories than red wines because they usually contain a lower percentage of alcohol. For instance, a dry white wine may have an alcohol content between 10-14%, whereas a sweet white wine may contain up to 20%.

In terms of calorie breakdown, a typical glass (250ml) of dry white wine can contain approximately 95% carbohydrates and 5% fat. Of the 130-150 calories per glass, 96-114 are attributed to carbohydrates while the rest are from fat. These calorie counts might vary slightly depending on the sweetness level of the drink, as well as its alcohol content.

The nutritional value can also be affected by factors such as sugar or sulfites used during fermentation and winemaking. Depending on the type and brand, some wines may contain more sugar or other additives that could increase their calorie count significantly. Consumers need to read labels when available to understand exactly what is included in each bottle or glass being consumed.

Is better to drink white or red wine?

When it comes to choosing between white and red wine, it depends on your taste preference. However, if you’re looking for a lower-calorie option, white wine is typically the better choice as it usually contains fewer calories than red wine. On average, a 5-ounce glass of dry white wine can contain 120 calories while a glass of dry red will have around 125 calories.

You should also bear in mind that sweet wines such as Moscato and Riesling tend to have more sugar and therefore higher calorie content than dry whites and reds. To get a better understanding of how many calories are in your favorite bottles, it’s recommended to refer to the nutrition label or look up the ABV (alcohol by volume) and calorie count online.

What type of food pairs best with white wine?

White wine pairs especially well with light and delicate dishes. Seafood, chicken, pasta, and salads with lighter dressings are all great choices to pair with white wine. The acidity in white wines helps cut through the richness of these dishes, while the subtle flavors of the food don’t overpower the taste of the wine itself. White wines also pair well with cheese, charcuterie, vegetables (especially grilled vegetables), sushi, ceviche, and other raw fish dishes.


Additionally, some white wines have a naturally sweet flavor that can be used to balance out spicier dishes. For instance, Gewurztraminer pairs particularly well with Indian-style curries as its sweetness tames down any heat from the spices in the food. Sauvignon Blanc is also a great match for Mexican-inspired cuisines like tacos or enchiladas due to its herbal notes that complement smoky and spicy flavors.

How long does an open bottle of white wine last in the refrigerator?

An open bottle of white wine will typically remain fresh in the refrigerator for up to seven days. This depends on the type of white wine and how it was stored prior to opening. More acidic wines, such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio, can generally be kept longer than those that are sweeter such as Riesling or Moscato.

Before storing an open bottle in the fridge, make sure you seal it with an airtight cap or cork stopper. This helps keep out any oxygen which would cause oxidation and spoil the flavor. Ideally, it’s best to consume all wine within two days after it is opened. If you don’t think you’ll finish the bottle within two days, transfer some of it into a smaller container like a decanter or bottle with a stopper and store this in the fridge instead.

To ensure maximum freshness, try to cool down your white wine before serving; this will enhance its crispness and fruitiness. You can also use a special wine preserver which pumps out oxygen so that your open bottles last longer; these devices actually can extend the life of your wines for up to three weeks!

Should I use an aerator when pouring my glass of white wine?

Using an aerator when pouring your white wine can be beneficial in many ways. Aerating your wine helps to release the subtle nuances of complex flavors, add complexity and balance to the taste, and soften tannins. It also helps to bring out the intended aroma of the wine as well as enhance its bouquet.

Using an aerator allows oxygen to enter the glass faster than if you were simply pouring it directly from the bottle. When oxygen is introduced into wine, it helps release more of its flavor components and provides a greater depth of flavor. In addition, using an aerator allows you to enjoy a wider range of wines that may not have been accessible or enjoyable without this process.

When choosing an aerator for your white wine, make sure you pick one that is designed for the types of wines you typically drink. Different types of wines require different levels of aeration so be sure to read up on which type is best suited to your style preferences before buying one. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that whatever aerator you choose fits properly on the bottle so that there are no leaks or spills during use.

Overall, using an aerator when pouring your glass of white wine can help improve its overall flavor and body by allowing oxygen to better interact with it. This process also enhances aromas, adds complexity and balance, and can make certain wines more enjoyable than if served without being aerated first.


After reading this post, you know more about the calories in white wine and how it compares to other alcoholic beverages. We’ve answered your questions and helped you select one that fits your lifestyle if you choose to drink. At the end of the day, make sure to keep track of calories when consuming alcoholic beverages as they are all high in calories relative and alcohol is a toxin for our bodies. Enjoy with moderation.

Thanks to all readers for joining us in exploring white wine’s calorie facts. Appreciate your participation and providing suggestions for topics for future blog posts. Our content came from reliable sources, however, everyone should consult their primary care provider or dietitian regarding nutrition and health decisions as results can vary person-to-person depending on individual goals, body composition, physical condition, allergies, and dietary preferences. Visit our Website for more interesting posts. 

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